QN 10GbE 82599EN-S2L
Best Choice for Virtualization QCT QN Intel 82599EN single port 10GbE ethernet mezz card deliver unmatched performance scalability that signals a new paradigm in the data center — a paradigm of intelligent solutions that help manage growth while controlling costs; a paradigm of advanced virtualization features; and a paradigm of a simple, cost-effective, unified network. Best Choice for Virtualization. QCT QN Intel 82599ES single port 10GbE ethernet mezz card includes Intel® Virtualization Technology for Connectivity (Intel VT-c) to deliver outstanding performance in virtualized server environments. Intel VT-c includes hardware optimizations that help reduce I/O bottlenecks and improve the overall server performance. These technologies are Virtual Machine Device Queues (VMDq) and Virtual Machine Direct Connect (VMDc). VMDq improves data processing by offloading the sorting and queuing functionality to the I/O controller from the VMM. VMDc provides direct connectivity to the VMs to deliver near-native performance and VM scalability. VMDc also provides flexibility with mobility by enabling VM migration between physical servers. VMDc is based on the industry-standard PCI-SIG SR-IOV (Single Root I/O Virtualization). |
詳細 | |
詳細 |
Intel® 82599EN
(シングル SFP+) [S810-X52L 用] |
コントローラー | |
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インターフェース | |
インターフェース |
PCIe 2.0 x8
WOL サポート | |
WOL サポート |
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マネージメントサポート (NCSI/SMBUS) | |
マネージメントサポート (NCSI/SMBUS) |
フォームファクター | |
フォームファクター |
伊藤忠テクノソリューションズ株式会社 - Reseller / System Integrator
100-6080 東京都千代田区霞が関3-2-5
TEL 03-6203-5000
三井E&Sシステム技研 株式会社 - Reseller / System Integrator
261-8501 千葉県千葉市美浜区中瀬1丁目3番地 幕張テクノガーデンD棟9階
TEL 0565-35-3781
NEC Networks & System Integration Corporation - Reseller / System Integrator
Iidabashi First Tower, 2-6-1 Koraku, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8560, Japan
TEL 81-3-6699-7584
Tekwind Co.,Ltd - Distributor
東京都文京区湯島3丁目19番11号 湯島ファーストビル7階
TEL +81-3-4323-8600
Japan Network Storage Laboratory Inc. - Distributor
AIOS711, 1-11-1 Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo Japan 141-0031
TEL 81-3-64203530